Historical Gene Transit

In progress

Historical Gene Transit continues my investigation of cultural consequences of biotechnology. It particularly engages the debate regarding genetic vs. environmental formation of identity.   The central structure/image of the project is an overlay of a genetic map of part of the human genetic code over a geographic map of one line of the New York City subway system. The project will have two components.   One part is an interactive interface on the Internet. The other aspect will be billboards in subway stations.

On the web site it will be possible for visitors to look at historic/genetic coincidences of the overlapped mapping system.  They will also be able to add their own information and stories (genetic or cultural) to a growing database.  In this way the piece becomes an ongoing self-portrait of the city.  I plan further versions of the work in other international cities with underground transit systems.



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The central structure/image of the project is an overlay of a genetic map of part of the human genetic code over a geographic map of one line of the New York City subway system.