

This is an ongoing series of site-specific installations/performances/interventions, with three augmenting web sites, which together address changing notions of time and narrative. The work will be completed in 30 years. Realizing a 30-year project via the web in this manner is a self-conscious critique of the 'culture of the instantaneous' that the Internet manifests and propagates. The installment documented here was completed for Szilage Gallery in 2002 with two physical components. Bricks molded with the URLs were placed in a brick road. The URLs for the three web sites were also projected in light on a creek parallel to the brick road.

Also documented here is a performance during "Out of Time", a conference at the University of Minnesota, and "Gravity Ace on the Move", the final installation of the Beginning phase during Conflux Festival NYC, in fall of 2012.

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Bricks molded with project URL placed in a brick road