GROWTH VARIANT #25:  North 44:57:58 by West 93:15:56.  On the south side of the Hennepin County Government Center is a park with 9 birch trees.  These are urban birches, and they bear the marks of their urban context.  Their bark is well pealed below the 6 foot level.  They display random scratchings of the curious and the mischievous, as well as proclamations of affection expressed with pairs of initials and '+' signs - both with and without encircling heart symbols.  These are primarily inscribed with sharp objects, but also with permanent felt tip markers.       Directions from Gallery:  1rst Avenue south to 6th street, East on 6th, at 3rd Avenue you will go under the Hennepin County Government Center, at 4th Avenue turn south to 7th Street, and west on 7th.  Garden will be on the north side of 7th Street in this block.  Parking is available at meters or nearby ramps.       RECOMMENDED PERFORMANCE: Visit these urban birches once each month.  Photograph all changes in their bark made by humans.  After 20 years compile a document entitled, "Human Mark Making on Urban Birches, a Visual Study of Specific Universalities".  Bring it into the Government Center and ask that it be placed in the archives.