GROWTH VARIANT #17:    North 46:43:03 by West 92:26:32.  Each year this facility owned by Diamond Brands Corporation turns 15,000 cords of birch wood into tongue depressors, popsicle and corn dog sticks, and other orally oriented wood products.       DIRECTIONS FROM GALLERY: 1rst Avenue south to 6th street, East on 6th to Hennepin, North on Hennepin to Washington, East on Washington to Interstate 35, North on I-35 to Cloquet exit, Hwy. 33 into Cloquet, east on Cloquet Avenue, right on 18th Street.       RECOMMENDED PERFORMANCE: Walk into the main office eating a corn dog.  After you finish your corn dog, show the people there the stick.  Ask them if anyone can verify the source of the wood.